

The collection is the lowest level or organization for assets. Collections belong to a slot and contain assets. Collections are also have a creator which is a user.

Collection Data Model

  • collectionId: a UUID for the collection

  • collectionName: a name for the collection

  • collectionImage: a url to a 500x500 image for the collection

  • slotId: the slot to which the collection belongs

  • handle: the user which is the creator of the collection

  • royaltyHandle: a user that receives the creator royalties (can be different than the handle)

  • maximum: the maximum number of assets that can be minted as a part of this collection

  • type: "identical" or "unique". Assets in an identical collection all contain the same expression values. Assets in a unique collection can contain different expression values from one another. See Expressions for more details

  • properties: editable key-value pairs which can be used to add data to a collection. Collection properties are editable by the app which owns the slot to which the collection belongs.

  • tags: an array of up to five strings used to describe a collection and improve searchability

  • createdAt: date-time when the collection was created

  • updatedAt: date-time when the collection was last updated

  • exampleExpressionValues: expression values from asset #0 from the collection. See Expressions for more details.

Example Collection Data

"collectionId": "63d27afbd8a5448af30697da",
"collectionName": "TestCollection",
"collectionImage": "....bwAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==",
"slotId": "63d27479d8a5442e2f05746e",
"maximum": 100,
"type": "Identical",
"properties": {
  "prop1": 1,
  "prop2": {
    "val1": 1,
    "val2": 2
"createdAt": 1674738427393,
"updatedAt": 1675083604179,
"exampleExpressionValues": [
    "value": "",
    "expressionValueId": "63d29563db63fcbd0ac894f0",
    "expressionAttribute": {
      "expressionAttributeName": "Image",
      "expressionAttributeId": "62f83b2482081d6f89953fa7"
    "expression": {
      "expressionName": "TestExpression",
      "expressionId": "63d294ede1da5e2c9998fb2e"

Last updated