Managing Slots

Don't know what slots are? Make sure you read through the slots page of the core concepts section before proceeding, Slots.

Getting Started

Looking to learn how to create your own slots? Please check out the Create a Slot page to learn how to get started.

Manage Slots Menu

The "Manage Slots" menu allows you to add, remove and modify slots that are being used by your app. From this screen you'll see a list of the slots that your app currently has access to.

Slot Details

Clicking on any slot will allow you to see details related to that slot. This includes the slot name, slot description, slot creator and permissions regarding the use of that slot.

Slot permissions are used to determine how other apps interact with your slots. With these, you can determine whether or not apps require a permission to use your slot as well as whether or not other creators can submit collections to it. You can also select which types of collections can be submitted to your slot.

Manage Slot Expressions

Last updated