Create a Slot

Don't know what slots are? Make sure you read through the slots page of the core concepts section before proceeding, Slots.

Getting Started

To get started with creating a slot, click the "Create a New Slot for your App" button with the "Manage Slots" menu.

Defining Slot Details

Slot details are used to describe your slot. These can be especially helpful for other app creators who are looking to implement your slot within their own app. Be sure to give you slot a name as well as a description for the purpose of your slot.

Slot permissions are used to determine how other apps interact with your slots. With these, you can determine whether or not apps require a permission to use your slot as well as whether or not other creators can submit collections to it. You can also select which types of collections can be submitted to your slot.

Adding Expressions for your Slot

While creating a slot, you'll also have an oppurtunity to add expressions for that slot. To learn more about Expressions, please check out Expressions.

Expressions can be added at any time by using the "Add Expressions" button. For each expression, you'll be able to provide a name, expression type, file type, and determine if it is a requirement for any user submitting a collection to that slot, or if it is optional.

File type refers to the file extension that is required by an expression upon submitting the collection. For example, if an expression has a expression type of "image" and a file type of ".png", that means that any collection submitted to that slot will need to provide a .png file to fufill that expression requirement.

As a slot owner, you can also provide a description for each expression (Coming soon!). This helps other users understand what you're looking for in a collection submitted to that slot. For example, in Duro Dogs, we require three different expressions of type image - the standard "menu view", "front view", and "3/4 view". As the owner of Duro Dogs, we would describe the resolution, size, and design style that we are looking for when a collection is submitted to the given slot for each of our required expressions. You can also chose to remove an expression from a slot at any time.

Last updated