Create Assets for My App

This guide will walk you through the process of creating a collection for an app that you've created.

Before getting started with minting your first Assets/NFTs, you'll first need to create an App and a Slot. Please check out our quick start guide and our guide on creating an app first. Once you have an App and Slot setup, you're all set to start creating a collection and mint your first assets.

Getting Started

To begin the process of creating your first collection, start by selecting the app you'd like to create a collection for and navigating to the Manage Collections tab within your App's settings.

From this page, click the Create a New Collection for Your App to launch into the collection creation wizard.

Defining my Collection

You'll be brought to the "Create New Collection" screen where you'll have the opportunity to start defining your collection by filling out the following fields:


Should be auto-filled with the app you selected earlier, dictates which app the collection will belong to.

Collection Name:

The name that will be used to represent your collection.

Select a Slot for your Collection:

Dictates which slot you're intending to create the collection for. Will impact the required expressions for your collection, thus impacting the file types required.

Select a type for your Collection (Coming Soon):

Determines whether your collection is a Unique or Identical collection. For now, all collections created through the no-code tool must be identical. Unique collections can still be created via the API.

Collection Size:

Determines the maximum number of assets that can be minted from this collection.

After filling out the required fields, hit the Set Expression Values button to move to the next screen.

Filling out Expression Values

Expressions are used to accommodate the many ways that a single asset can be used across numerous applications. While some assets may be represented by images, others may be videos, audio or animated models. Depending on the type of asset you're looking to create (as defined by the slot) you will need to provide assets for each required expression. This will be reflected by the number of steps in the progress bar above.

Menu View

The menu view is a universal expression that is required for every slot, regardless of the type of collection it is. The menu view is used to represent the asset within a visual interface (i.e. a marketplace or wallet) and must be a 500 x 500 image. To upload an image for the menu view, simply click the "upload assets"

Additional Expressions

After defining the menu view, you will have the opportunity to upload the necessary assets for any additional expressions. Additional expressions are determined by the slot and slot owner. In some cases, slots may only require the menu view expression, while others may require many.

For each expression, there will be an individual page that gives the opportunity to upload the appropriate asset (i.e. an image file, audio file, etc...)

Collection Images

Collection images function similarly to the menu view in that they are used to represent the Collection within visual interfaces. The difference between the menu view and collection image is that the collection image is used to represent the Collection while the menu view is assigned to an individual asset. This is less relevant for identical collections but useful for unique collections where each asset may vary. You can select "Use Menu Expression" which will make the menu view expression value from the asset in your collection with serial #0 the collection image. You can also upload a separate image for your collection image.

Collection Banner

You can also provide a collection banner. This banner will be used in the Asset Layer marketplace. Banners must be a .png or .svg with resolution 1640 x 200. You may use the default banner as well by selecting "Use Default Banner". Finalize Details

After uploading the necessary assets as defined by the slot, you'll have the opportunity to provide additional context for your collection. This includes a description for your collection as well as tags so that other users can easily search for it in contexts like the Asset Layer marketplace. When you're satisfied with the collection details, hit the submit collection button.


After clicking the Submit Collection button, you'll have a chance to review some of the details for your collection. If you are satisfied, simply click Submit. If you'd like to change anything, use the "X" in the top right corner and the back button to navigate to the appropriate page.

Minting your Collection

Once all of the required materials have been submitted for your collection, you're all set to begin minting. To do so, navigate to the "Manage Collections" tab to see any collection you have submitted. Click on the details button next to the desired collection on the Manage App Collections tab.

This will lead you to the Collection Details page for the corresponding collection. From here, you can access important information regarding your collection as well as make edits to the collection images and expressions. You'll also see a large "Mint More" button (outlined in the screenshot below). Click this button to bring up the minting menu.

Mint Menu

The mint menu allows you to choose how many assets from the collection you'd like to mint. In many cases, you'll want to mint your whole collection at once, simply click the checkbox to do so. If you'd like to only mint part of the collection, enter the number of assets you'd like to mint into the appropriate text box (must be minted in multiples of ten). Once you're satisfied, simply click the blue "Mint X NFTs" button and your collection will be minted as requested!

Mint Status

You can check the status of your mint at any time by clicking the blue "Refresh" button in the collection details or by viewing the mint status column within the "Manage Collections" tab.

Where to Find My Assets?

Congratulations on minting your first collection! The resulting assets can be found within the Asset Layer My Assets Page (accessible via the icon in the top right).

From here, you can choose to send any of the assets as a gift or list them in the Asset Layer Marketplace (coming soon!).

Last updated